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Daddy's Little Princess (Daddy Series Book 2) Read online

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“Sure. Gage and I will be out on the patio.”

  Gage lifted Brylee and held her hips in his hands until Larkin came for her.

  Both men watched as the girls slowly walked out of the room before they turned to each other and grinned.

  “That was fucking hot,” Gage said.

  “I was thinking the same thing. Can you imagine if all five of us had our littles together?” Darian asked.

  “It would be something,” Gage said, stood, grimaced, and adjusted his cock. “I’m going to use the shower in my room.”

  Darian grinned and nodded. “Me, too. I’ll meet you out back.”

  Gage stripped off his clothes and walked into the shower. He had his own room at Darian’s because he used to spend a lot of time there, so he had everything he needed for a short stay.

  He had decided to spend the night instead of driving back to the city that very day. He desperately wanted to spend more time with Brylee and get to know her.

  A smile grew on his face. He’d come in his pants when Brylee had, and he hadn’t done that since he was a teenager. It didn’t surprise him that he was still as hard as a rock. He’d never felt that horny in his life, and he couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to be inside Brylee’s tight cunt or ass.

  Gage decided at that moment he would get to know her and hoped she wasn’t afraid of him after what he’d done, but he didn’t think she would be. He’d given her pleasure. Something he doubted she’d ever had, and he’d spend some time with her to let her get used to him. He knew he was a large, rough-looking man, but Brylee seemed to find him attractive, so he had hoped she’d want to see him again. He’d have to be gentle with her until she got used to him, but he’d do whatever he needed to have her in his life.

  Chapter Two

  The girls slipped out the back door to find Darian and Gage sitting out loungers and drinking scotch.

  Larkin scrunched up her nose. “It’s icky,” she told Brylee at the drink in Darian’s hand. “Daddy, let me taste it once, and I almost puked.”

  Brylee covered her mouth with her hand and giggled.

  Darian got their attention. “Girls, Ella brought out some lemonade for you, and I got more bandages because the other ones probably slipped off in the bathtub.”

  Larkin walked directly to Darian and sat down between his legs before Brylee walked over to a chair. She knew her face was red with embarrassment because of the warmth she felt in her cheek. She couldn’t look Gage in the face. The man had one of his fingers in her bottom, for God’s sake.

  “Brylee, come here so I can get these bandages on,” Darian said.

  “I can do it, sir,” she replied.

  Darian shook his head. “I want to make sure your knees are okay.”

  “Let me do it,” Gage said and reached out for the Band-Aids. He turned to look at Brylee. “Come here, princess.”

  Brylee giggled. “I’m not a princess, remember…”

  “You are to me. Now come here,” he demanded.

  Brylee stood and took the steps to stand beside Gage.

  Gage sat up and spread his legs on either side of the lounger he relaxed in and grabbed ahold of her hand and pulled her down to sit in front of him with her back to his chest. He lifted her legs onto the lounger and bent forward to inspect the scrapes before putting the bandages on both knees. He wadded up the wrappers and set them on the table between him and Darian.

  He leaned back, taking Brylee with him. He kept one arm around her middle, lifted his legs to lay on either side of hers, and handed her the glass of lemonade. Then he snatched up his glass.

  Gage smirked when he realized Brylee sat against him but was stiff as a board.

  “Tell me about yourself?” he asked to try to relax her.

  Brylee looked at Gage over her shoulder. “I … I’m twenty-three years old. I work at Randy’s, and I live with two other girls that don’t like me.”


  “They say I’m a baby, and I’m not fun.”

  Gage pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “It hurts your feelings?”

  Brylee nodded. “Yes, but most of the time, I don’t care because they’re not my friends. Larkin’s my friend.” She smiled.

  “Why are you living with them?”

  “They work at Randy’s also, and that’s how we met. They needed another roommate, and I needed a place to stay. It’s fine. I work as much as I can, and when I’m at the apartment, I stay in my room.”

  “What kind of business is Randy’s?” Gage asked.

  “It’s a stripper joint.”

  Gage almost dropped his glass. He was so shocked. “You strip?”

  Brylee giggled. “Oh, gosh no. I’m too fat and uncoordinated. I’m just a waitress.”

  Gage relaxed a bit. “Men try to touch you?”

  She nodded. “Yeah,” she said and scrunched up her nose. “But Randy has big men walk around to keep us safe.”

  “Why in the hell do you work there?”

  “Because I make a lot of money.”

  “Does it cost that much to live like you do?”

  “Oh, no. Larkin and I started saving up for a trip. I hardly use any of my wages, and all my tips go into my jar.”

  “Do you think your roommates are still stealing from you?” Larkin asked.

  Gage scowled when Brylee nodded. “Yeah, I marked the jar, and it keeps going down instead of up.” Her friend hadn’t known about her roommates until recently. When Larkin was over to visit, they were always nice to her, and she didn’t want her to worry.

  “What are you going to do?” Larkin asked.

  Brylee blinked back tears as she stared at Larkin. “I’m hiding my tips now, and I’m trying to look for a different place to live.”

  “What about a bank?” Gage suggested.

  “I tried, but I need a photo ID, and I don’t have one. I’ve never had a driver’s license, and I haven’t gone to college.”

  Gage pulled her in tighter against him and nuzzled her head. “Let me think about this, and we’ll come up with a solution.”

  Brylee shook her head, bumping his chin with the back of her head. “I don’t want to be a bother…”

  “You’re not.”

  Brylee glanced over at Larkin and Darian. She relaxed when Darian smiled reassuringly at her. She trusted Larkin’s, daddy. He was the only man she’d ever trusted in her life.

  “Sir, dinner’s ready,” Ella said from the doorway.

  “Thank you, Ella. We’ll be right there.”


  The men helped the girls stand and then took their hands. In the dining room, Darian sat at the head of the table with Larkin to his right and Brylee to his left. Gage sat down next to Brylee.

  Gage asked Brylee several questions during the meal but otherwise mainly talked to Darian about business and listened to the girls with half an ear.

  The four went into the TV room after the meal passed. They settled on the big sofa with the girls in the middle next to each other and watched a movie. Before long, the girls got sleepy.

  “Why don’t you two go on up?” Darian suggested.

  “Can I sleep with Brylee, daddy?”

  Darian nodded. “You can fall asleep in her bed, but when I come up, I’ll carry you to our bedroom.”

  “Can you read us a story?” Larkin asked Darian.

  “Yes, but just one.”

  The girls squealed and jumped up.

  “Sir,” Elder said from the door. “There’s a call for you. They say it’s important.”

  The girls’ faces dropped.

  Darian looked over at Gage. “Could you read them a story? I’m not sure how long this will take.”

  “Sure.” Gage stood and followed the girls up the stairs.

  He sat on the edge of the bed and looked around. The room was definitely feminine with the lavender-colored walls and creamy white carpet. The bedspread had delicate-looking flowers in different soft pastel colors.

  He grinned when Larki
n rushed into the room, wearing a short nightgown and robe, and dove onto the bed. She crawled under the covers on one side and waited with her back against the padded headboard.

  Gage turned when the bathroom door opened. His breath stalled in his throat. Brylee looked incredibly tiny and absolutely adorable in her short powder-blue nightgown. He watched as she walked to a short bookcase and started riffling through the books.

  “What should we read tonight, Larkin?” Brylee asked.

  “Daddy said you’re my guest, so you get to pick.”

  Brylee looked over her shoulder and grinned. “That sounds funny.”

  “I told him that, too. I said you were family, not a guest.”

  Gage caught a hint of sadness in Brylee’s eyes that she tried to hide.

  “I like the sound of that. We’ve never had a family of our own, have we?”

  Larkin shook her head. “No.”

  Brylee sighed. She walked over, handed the book to Gage, and crawled into bed on the opposite side of Larkin.

  “Come on, Gage,” Larkin said. “You have to sit in the middle so we can both see.”

  Gage cleared his throat. The feelings bombarding him were shocking. He’d always known he would eventually want his own little, but spending time with the girls, especially Brylee, was making his stomach knot in need, and his mind demand he take her for himself.

  He slid his shoes off, crawled up between the girls, and got comfortable. Something inside him settled when they both snuggled against him and looked at the book.

  He cleared his throat. “Once upon a time…”

  Thirty minutes later, Darian walked in and grinned. Both girls were sound asleep against Gage, and he continued to read.

  “Pssst,” Darian whispered to get his attention. He pointed at the girls. “They’re out.”

  Gage looked from one to the other. They had their heads tucked down, so he hadn’t realized they’d both fallen asleep.

  Darian came around the side of the bed and gently picked up Larkin. “Are you okay to get her settled?” he asked, indicating Brylee. “If not, I can come back in after I get Larkin in bed.”

  Gage shook his head and tossed the book to the end of the bed. “No, I’ve got her.”

  “Okay. Thanks, man. Night.”

  “Night,” Gage said and listened to Darian’s footsteps fade and his whispered words to Larkin.

  Gage moved off the bed, making sure Brylee was stable and would not tumble over. He came around to her side, whipped the blanket back, and slid Brylee down until her head sat on the pillow. He reached for the blanket and then froze.

  Her short nightgown had ridden up, showing her pink panties and nicely rounded thighs. He felt a drop of sweat roll down his back. His mouth filled with saliva because of the need to spread her legs wide apart and taste the sweetness he smelled coming from her cunt.

  He pulled the blanket up and tucked it around her shoulders. He smoothed her hair from her face and stared down at her. It was actually painful thinking about leaving her, and he didn’t understand it, nor did he think he liked it.

  He was a man who prided himself on his control, and having a little bit of a girl dropped into his lap and making his head spin went against his usual reaction to women.

  He drew in a shuddering breath and took a step back. After another long look, he snatched up his shoes, turned, and made his way to the door. He glanced at her one more time before he flicked off the light and closed the door.

  Gage was too revved up to go to sleep, so he decided to go down and get another drink. He froze outside of Darian’s bedroom when he heard moaning and a stunned cry from Larkin. His body jerked painfully when she cried out, “Daddy.”

  He wiped a shaky hand down his face and walked downstairs. It took a few more drinks than he first thought he would have for him to feel like he’d be able to sleep.

  An hour later, he was still staring up at the ceiling, thinking of diving between Brylee’s creamy smooth thighs and driving his cock into her cunt as far as it would go and make her come over and over.

  The predawn light was just creeping in through the drapes when he made his decision to keep Brylee. He’d seen the attraction she tried to hide from him, so he didn’t think he’d have a fight on his hands to get her into his bed and into his life.

  Chapter Three

  Brylee set her small suitcase down by the front door and found her way to the kitchen. Larkin and Darian were already at the small table, eating breakfast, and Ella was humming at the stove. She always loved these visits with her friend, but she was always so sad to leave.

  “Hey, good morning,” Darian said as he set down his cup of coffee. “Did you sleep well?”

  Brylee nodded and tried to smile. “I did. Thank you.”

  “I wish you didn’t have to leave this morning,” Larkin complained.

  “I know. Me, too. But I have to work tonight.”

  Darian hid his smile when both girls pouted.

  “Darian, could you or someone give me a ride to the bus station?”

  Darian’s brows snapped together. “I don’t like the thought of you on one of those buses.”

  “It’s not bad, and I already have my ticket. I’ve ridden on them for years.”

  Darian waited until Ella set a plate in front of Brylee.

  “Good morning, hun,” Ella said and smiled.

  “Good morning, Ella. Thank you for breakfast.”


  “Let me think about this a bit.”

  Brylee stared at Darian. She didn’t want him to bother. She was always afraid if she was to much trouble, he’d never let her come back.

  “I don’t want you to worry about it, sir.”

  “On your previous trips here, we’ve given you a ride back because we were headed that way.”

  “Really, it isn’t a big deal…”

  “Eat, I want to think about this,” he told her and concentrated on his own food.

  Brylee ate what she could before she took her plate to the sink and joined Larkin out by the pool.

  “I called a taxi to take me to the bus stop,” she informed Larkin.

  The smile dropped from Larkin’s face. “But daddy is thinking about what to do.”

  Brylee grabbed Larkin’s hands and squeezed. “I know, but we’ve talked about this before. I don’t want him to not let me come back to see you.”


  “You know it’s a possibility. I don’t want to take the chance. Do you?”

  Larkin shook her head sadly.

  Brylee hugged her friend. “Please tell Darian thank you for me. I’m afraid if I do, he’ll keep me from going.”

  “Call me when you get back to your apartment.”

  “I will,” Brylee said and walked back into the house.


  Thirty minutes later, Darian found Larkin sitting in a chair with stark sadness in her expression and staring off into space. He sat down on the end of the lounger and faced her.

  “Hey, sweetheart. What’s wrong?” he asked as he slid his palm up and down her leg.

  “I know it’s weird, but I miss Brylee already.”

  Darian grinned. “She hasn’t left yet, baby.”

  Larkin looked away.

  Darian stiffened. “Where is she?”

  “She left a while ago.”

  “What? How? I thought I told you two I’d figure out something.”

  “I know. She said she didn’t want to be a bother. She’s afraid you won’t let her come back to visit.”

  Gage heard their discussion and walked out of the house to see Darian pinching the bridge of his nose. “What’s going on?”

  “Brylee took off.”

  Gage stared at Darian. “Took off? Where in the hell did she go?”

  “I assume the bus station,” Darian said and turned back to Larkin with a raised brow.

  Larkin bit her lip, looked down, and nodded.

  “How?” Gage asked.

“She called a taxi.”

  Larkin flinched when both men cursed.

  “I’ll go find her,” Gage said and rushed back into the house.

  It only took fifteen minutes to get to the nearest bus station, but she’d already gone by the time he’d gotten there.

  Frustrated, Gage slammed his palm against the steering wheel. He turned around and headed back to Darian’s to get his briefcase and say goodbye.

  Darian and Larkin were standing at the front door when he returned.

  “Find her?” Darian asked.

  Gage shook his head at Darian. “No, the bus had left already.”

  Darian ran a hand through his hair and then wrapped an arm around Larkin when he noticed how upset she was. “It will be okay, baby. I don’t want you to worry.”

  “She said she’d call me when she got back to her apartment.”

  “You come and find me when she calls. I want to talk to her,” Darian said with a growl.

  “Okay. May I go inside?”

  Darian nodded at Larkin. “I’ll come find you in a bit.”

  Gage waited until Larkin had left and turned to Darian. “I’m going to head back to the city. I’ll check on her tonight.”

  “She’ll be working tonight.”

  Gage nodded. “I know. I can find the place.”

  “I can have someone check on her. You don’t have to do it.”

  Gage’s eyes narrowed. “I’ll do it.”

  Darian crossed his arms. “Why?”

  “Because I plan on making her mine,” Gage said bluntly.

  A smile crossed Darian’s face. “I was hoping you’d take a liking to her.”

  Gage wiped a hand down his face. “Fuck, man, it’s more than like her, but I can’t tell you exactly what it is. I know it’s twisting my guts into knots.”

  Darian chuckled. “I know that feeling. It was the same way with Larkin.”

  “God, I hope it’s kind of normal because the feeling isn’t all that comfortable.”

  Darian snorted. “Just be good to her. I think she’s had it rougher than my Larkin has.”

  “Why? What do you know?”

  “Larkin has mentioned that the two were separated, but Brylee was brought back quickly, and Larkin knew something had happened because she wasn’t the same.”