Daddy's Little Obsession Page 3
“Have you met her?”
He nodded. “Yes. She’s very special.”
“Yes, she is.”
“Kaleb takes excellent care of her.”
She smiled. “I know, or she wouldn’t be with him because I would have come for her.”
Before he could answer, the waitress was back with their food.
He caught Nia staring down at her food. “Eat, baby.”
She picked up her fork and started eating.
He watched her for a moment and then dug into his hamburger.
Chapter Five
Travis was thrilled when she ate everything on her plate, and he’d even ordered her a bowl of fruit, which she devoured.
He threw down some bills, grabbed their bags and her hand, and pulled her out of the restaurant.
Next, he led her to one of the shops in the hotel lobby.
“You can look around to see if you want anything, but I don’t want you leaving the store.”
She nodded and started looking through the books.
He got what he needed at the same time, keeping her in his sight. “Thank you,” he said and took the bag the saleslady gave him.
“Did you find anything you want, baby?”
She turned to him and shook her head.
“Then let’s get you up to the room.”
In the elevator, he wrapped an arm around her waist when several people walked on with them. He was pleased she didn’t stiffen and, in fact, leaned against him.
They walked down the hallway in silence. He could feel her energy start to lag and wanted to get her settled.
After he got them into the room, he moved to the bed and made her sit. “Rest for a minute.” In the bathroom, he started the bath with the bubbles he bought at the shop. He set out a towel and then went to get her.
He found her pacing in front of the window. “Come here, baby.”
She glanced into the bathroom when she got to him. “What’s going on?”
“You’re going to take a nice long bath.”
“I am?”
“Yes. Go on in. It’s ready for you. It will help relax you and get you to sleep.”
She stood frozen.
“I know we’re strangers, but this is where you need to trust I’ll take care of you and not hurt you.” He took a step toward her and cupped her chin in his palm.
“Do you need help getting undressed?”
She jerked away from him and shook her head. “No.”
“Then go.”
He watched her walk away and shut the bathroom door.
The lock snicked in place.
“Leave it unlocked.”
There was a pregnant pause, and then he could hear her unlock the door.
Travis smiled when he heard her grumble something about bossy men that she didn’t know.
Nia leaned her forehead against the bathroom door. She was in a hotel room with a man, a huge man she didn’t know.
“Get in the tub, baby, or I’ll come in and help you.”
She jerked away from the door and quickly undressed, tied her hair into a knot, and sank into the hot water. “Oh, Lord.” She felt the tension rush out in one fell swoop, and it almost made her dizzy. Moaning, she lay back against the towel he’d folded.
The smell of lavender filled the small room, adding to her tranquility.
She didn’t know how long she’d rested with her eyes closed when there was a quick knock. The door opened, and Travis walked in.
She shrieked and sank under the bubbles.
He snorted. “Here’s your nightgown, toothbrush, and paste. Is there anything else you need?”
She shook her head. “No, thank you.”
“All right. Don’t take too long. I don’t want you falling asleep and drowning.”
After the door closed behind him, she exhaled and sat up straight. She quickly washed and then turned on the shower to rinse the bubbles off.
She dried off and pulled on her panties and nightgown. She hadn’t realized how skimpy it was. Instead of panicking, she reasoned that the white floral nightgown went to her mid-thigh and had short sleeves. It definitely covered up more than a bathing suit would.
Since she hadn’t seen another bed, she assumed he’d have her on the sofa since there was no way he’d fit.
She brushed her teeth, draped the towel over the curtain rod, and took a deep breath before opening the door.
He was the first thing she saw. He really was a massive man. Besides being exceptionally tall, the man had muscles on top of muscles. His hands were the size of dinner plates, and that made her feel all tingly inside for some reason. Her gaze roamed up, and she noticed he was staring at her.
He had dark-blond hair that was cut short, and his eyes were very dark, almost black.
“You’re beautiful,” she murmured and then felt her face heat with what she knew was the strongest blush she’d ever had. “I mean…”
He smiled at her and took a few steps toward her until he stood in front of her. He cupped her chin in one hand. “I know what you meant. I was going to tell you how pretty you looked.”
“Really?” she asked, skeptical.
“One thing you need to learn right now is that I will never lie to you.”
Her neck was starting to get sore from looking up at him so long. “Okay.” She didn’t know what else to say.
“Get into bed. I’m going to take a shower.”
She nodded and watched him walk away.
When he walked out a few minutes later, she hadn’t realized she’d been standing looking out the window in a daze.
“Why aren’t you in bed?”
She turned to look at him, gasped, and froze. “Sweet Mary, mother of God,” she yelled.
He burst out laughing.
All he had on was a pair of black shorts, and when she thought he was muscular with a blue button-down shirt and black dress pants on, seeing him nearly naked was incredible. Every muscle was stark and stood out. The thing called a six-pack was an eight on him. His thighs were big, and one was easily the size of her waist.
“How did you get so big?”
He shrugged. “I work out about every day.”
“You do more than the treadmill. Do you lift weights?”
“Yes, baby. I’m in security. I have to be strong.”
“You don’t have to be hulk strong,” she said dryly.
He snorted. “Get in bed.”
She started pacing instead. Her mind was racing again. “Can I have a pillow and blanket?” she asked as she walked past him.
“To sleep on the sofa.”
“You’re sleeping in the bed,” he told her.
“Where will you sleep?”
“In bed with you.”
She stopped and stared at him. “Like together?” she screeched.
He grunted and turned off the overhead light.
She noticed he had tightly shut the drapes to keep the streetlights out, adjusted the air conditioner, and turned on one of the small lamps on the nightstand.
“Yes. Together.”
“Should we be doing that?”
“Baby, what do you think is going to happen? I’m not going to try anything. I know we just met, and I know it’s a lot to ask, but I want you to feel comfortable with me.”
She started pacing again.
Oh, God, the thought of being in the same bed with him made her feel so hot, and her breasts and clit became swollen and achy. She wasn’t ignorant or even a virgin, so she knew what that meant, and she knew without a doubt, she would never be able to sleep.
Chapter Six
Travis sighed and sat down on the bed when she started pacing again. She was almost making him dizzy. Shit, he’d have to find out if the hotel had sleeping pills or alcohol. He’d try anything to get her to sleep. She was beyond exhausted. If it came down to it, as a last option, he’d get her to come a few times. That was sure to put her out.
“Get in bed,” he demanded again.
“You don’t understand. I won’t be able to sleep.”
“I guarantee I can make you sleep.”
She stopped and turned to him. “You can’t say that.”
“Do you trust me?”
She stared at him for a long moment, making him squirm before she nodded.
“If Kaleb and Aleena think you’re great, I guess I should, too.”
“Thank you,” he said dryly. “Now get in…”
“Can I talk to Aleena, please?”
He rolled his eye and reached for his phone. “I’ll be right back.” He walked out onto their balcony to get a bit of privacy and closed the door. He dialed the number.
“Do you have her taken care of?”
Travis smiled. “Yes, right now, she’s pacing in our hotel room.” He knew what was coming when Kaleb paused.
“Is that the way it is?”
“I don’t know. I do know I’m attracted to her.”
“How does she feel?” Kaleb asked.
“I know she’s attracted to me, but she’s fatigued, and not a lot is making sense to her. Hell, she probably thinks she’s still a perp.”
“A what?” Kaleb yelled.
He explained some of what David had told him.
Kaleb roared out a laugh. It took a good minute for him to gain control. “That’s priceless.”
“Yeah, she thought she was being detained for a crime.”
“They didn’t scare her, did they?” Kaleb asked, concerned.
“No.” Travis chuckled. “You’re going to love this. She was teaching the cop in charge of her about not trusting anyone.”
Travis waited for the laughing to stop. “I’ll tell you all of it when we get there in a few days.”
“In a few days?”
“Yes, we’re going to take the scenic route so she can get to know me and is comfortable with me.”
“That’s a good plan.”
“She needs to talk to Aleena. She won’t settle until she does.”
“Why didn’t she just call her? Aleena’s been holding her phone in her hand all day.”
“Nia let her battery die and didn’t know where her charger was.”
Travis heard a growl of disapproval and couldn’t agree more.
“I’m damn glad I sent you. She definitely needs you.”
“I’ll take good care of her.”
“I know. I’ll get Aleena.”
A few minutes passed.
“Hello, bestie.”
Travis chuckled. “No, honey, it’s still me. I wanted to ask you a few questions before I give you to her.”
“I’ll try and answer them.”
“Does she ever take sleeping pills?”
“Oh, lord, no. She tried it a few times, and it affected her badly. The first time she took a whole one, she felt like she had the flu for days after. She was desperate one night and took less than half of one with the same effect.”
“Does she drink alcohol?”
“She’ll drink a glass of wine once in a while but not more than that, and she really doesn’t like the taste of it.”
“Thank you. This is all good to know.”
Aleena cleared her throat. “So, do you like her, Travis?”
Travis chuckled. “Yes, I do. Very much. I think she’s very sweet.”
She squealed, and he winced.
“Travis and Nia, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g…” Aleena sang.
He laughed at Aleena and then laughed harder when he heard Kaleb getting after her.
“Aleena, I’m not sure what’s going to happen. I’m not going to push her.”
“That’s good. Thank you for going to get her.”
“You’re welcome. I’ll give you to Nia.”
When he walked back in, Nia was still pacing. “Honey, you’ve got to slow down. You’re going to make yourself sick.”
“I’m sorry, Travis. I can’t get my mind to stop.”
“Here, come talk to Aleena.” He sat on the bed and grabbed her as she walked by and set her beside him.
She screeched and grabbed the phone. “Aleena?”
“Yes, I’m here. I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“Why are you so worried?”
“Because you’ve never traveled before. You’ve never even left the city, have you?”
“Well, no.”
Kaleb said something and growled in the background.
“Is Kaleb okay?” Nia asked.
Travis clamped his jaw to prevent him from yelling at her. Jesus, so many things could have happened to her. He was so thankful he’d gotten to her quickly.
“Um, yes. He’s just worried about you,” Aleena said.
“That’s so sweet,” Nia said.
“Are you doing okay?”
“Of course. I think we’ll be there tomorrow…”
Travis shook his head at her. “No, baby, it’s going to take a few days.”
“Why?” Nia asked.
“Because of road construction.” It was the first thing he could think of.
“Hey, what do you think of Travis? Isn’t he dreamy?” Aleena whispered into the phone.
Nia bit her lip when she heard Kaleb in the background. “I heard that, baby girl.”
“Oops,” Aleena said. “Now, I’ll probably get punished,” she whispered.
“You don’t have to sound so happy about it,” Nia told her.
Aleena giggled. “Just you wait. You’ll be asking for them. You didn’t answer my question.”
She glanced at him, rose, and made her way into the bathroom. She’d closed the door, but it stayed open a bit.
“Oh, my God, Aleena. He’s so beautiful…”
Aleena giggled. “Can he hear you?”
“No, I’m in the bathroom,” Nia said with conviction. “He’s a giant, and his hands are huge. I think one can cover my face.”
Aleena giggled.
“He’s got so many muscles.”
“Do you want to touch them?” Aleena asked.
“Oh, heck, yeah, but it will never happen.”
“Why would you say that?”
“You should see him. There’s no way he’d like me.”
“But you’re gorgeous.”
Nia snorted. “Of course, you’d say that. It’s because you love me.”
“No. He likes you. He told daddy…”
There was a pause.
“Oh, daddy says I can’t tell you. But it’s good.”
“Can you hint?”
“No. You know I’m horrible at that.” Aleena’s voice got soft again. “Does he make your pussy wet?”
Travis held back a laugh when he heard Kaleb yell in the background as he stood outside the bathroom. He shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but he would take all the information he could to settle her down.
“All right. Don’t get your panties twisted,” Aleena told Kaleb and turned back to her conversation.
Travis almost snorted at that. He knew she’d be getting punished for it.
“Hey, I have to go.”
“Are you in trouble?” Nia asked.
Aleena sighed dramatically. “Yes. We’ll talk when you get here.”
“Hey, wait. You really like Travis?”
“Yes. He’s a great guy.”
“Okay. Thank you. I’ll see you soon.”
Travis moved back to the bed and reached out when Nia walked back into the room and handed the phone back to him. Then he pulled her onto his lap.
“Do you feel better?”
She bit her lip as she stared at him and then nodded.
His hold tightened when she tried to get up.
“Travis, I’m not ready to sleep. Let me walk a bit.”
“Baby, you’re exhausted.”
“I’ve been more tired before.”
His brows snapped down. This woman needed someone to take care of her, and he was just the guy to do it.
br /> Chapter Seven
“Can you put your trust in me?”
Nia stared at him and then nodded.
She screamed when he stood with her under one of his arms. She laughed and hit his thigh. “What are you doing?”
“We’re going to get in the bed. You need your sleep. Just try.”
She giggled when he dumped her on the mattress.
“Get in, baby.”
She watched him for a moment and then slid between the sheets. Her heart felt like it was going to pound out of her chest, but she tried to keep her breathing normal. She bit down on her lip when he slid in beside her, turned the light off, and then lay down.
There was just enough light coming through the top of the drapes for her to see him clearly. She was startled when he rolled to his side, propped his head up with his hand, his elbow on the mattress, and then stared at her.
As the seconds passed, she got more nervous.
“What’s wrong?” she asked him.
“You’re not going to settle down on your own. I’m about to try something that is guaranteed to help, but the last thing I want to do is scare you.”
“Are you going to hurt me?”
He cupped her cheek with his hand. “I swear to you on my mother’s grave I will never hurt you.”
She felt the intensity of his pledge and knew he was telling her the truth. She reached out and touched his face. “I’m sorry you lost your mom.”
“It was a long time ago.”
She inhaled. “I trust you.”
He grabbed her hand and kissed her palm. “Thank you, baby. This means a lot to me.”
She smiled. She liked making him happy.
Nia tensed as his hand slipped down her cheek to her breast and just held it. She held her breath to see what he would do.
“Am I hurting you?”
She exhaled and shook her head.
“Good. How about when I play with your nipple?”
Her nipples tightened into stiff peaks. She closed her eyes. Every time he swiped his thumb over it, it sent a river of heat straight to her clit, making it throb.
“Open your eyes, baby.”
She looked up at him.
“That’s good. Does it feelnice?”
She nodded.
“Let’s try something else.”
She held her breath when his hand slid down her torso and then under her nightgown to cup her pussy through her panties.