Daddy's Little Obsession Page 5
He chuckled. “Don’t worry. There will be plenty of time to see everything. You have a choice of what we can do right now. We can either go home and rest tonight and see Aleena tomorrow, or we can stop by tonight. But it is late, and we won’t be able to spend a lot of time.”
“You mean I won’t be staying with her?”
He glanced at her when they stopped at a light. “I’d rather you stay with me, baby. Would that be okay?”
She had dreaded getting to the city for one reason, and that was that she’d be separated from Travis. Now that she had a choice, she felt almost lightheaded with relief. “Can we just go to your place?”
He reached for her hand, lifted it, and kissed her palm. “I’d be thrilled to take you to our place.”
She grinned. He sounded so serious and loving, it brought tears to her eyes.
They pulled into an underground parking lot.
“Is this where you live?”
“Yes, the first three floors are the security business my partners, and I have, and the rest of the floors are apartments for each of us.”
Her eyes widened. “Oh, wow. So, you don’t have to go anywhere if you don’t want to?”
“Oh, I still have to go places to put in bids for security systems or make sure they are up and running right.”
“Is this the only way to get into the place?”
“No, there are two doors in front. One for the business and a smaller one for the partners’ personal spaces. We have a security man in the lobby of our residence.”
“But not on the business side?”
“No, you have to come into the bigger lobby, and the receptionist will let you come up. There are security men all around, so you can’t just come up.”
He grabbed their bags and led her to the elevator. He put in a code. “Remember this code, baby. That code just goes to our place.”
The higher they went, the tighter her stomach got. She would never have thought she’d be running from her brother and ending up living with a man she’d met days ago.
The elevator doors opened into a foyer. The floor was beautiful hardwood throughout the area she was able to see.
“Each apartment is different. We designed our own space.”
“This is beautiful. You did a great job.”
“Don’t give me too much credit. I said I wanted hardwood, and they brought me three samples. I tried going to one of the stores with the thousands of different floors you can choose from, and I was overwhelmed. I did the same with paint and then had the work done.”
She giggled. “I know what you mean. I like what you picked.”
“If there is anything you want to change, just tell me.”
She almost choked. That wouldn’t happen for a very long time.
“Let’s go to bed, unless you’re hungry.”
She shook her head. “I’m not. I would like to take a shower.”
“Okay. Follow me, sweetheart.”
He took her to the last door down a long hallway.
She stopped right inside the door. The furniture was a dark brown that matched the stripes in the bedspread. Different shades of blue and gray were added everywhere. The carpet was a deep blue color, and the wall a creamy white, which lightened up the room. The bed was huge, but it still didn’t take up much space in the large room. Besides the bed, there were nightstands and a seating area off to the side. Across from the bed was a widescreen TV.
To the right were two doors.
“The closet is huge, so we can share if that’s okay?”
“Of course, it is.” She walked into it and gasped. It was as big if not bigger than her bedroom at home. There were so many drawers and rods she couldn’t fathom using more than one. His clothes were on the left side and didn’t take up half of the area.
“Let me show you the bathroom.”
She followed him into the most beautiful bathroom she’d ever seen. A huge tub stood off to the side. Next to that was what looked like a small bare desk with a mirror above it that she guessed was a lady’s makeup area. Then next to that was one of the closets. She opened it and grinned. It was a room just for the toilet. She’d never seen such a thing before. The other door was a large closet with towels and supplies.
She turned to see Travis turn on a walk-in shower with a pretty gray tile with specks of browns and blues.
“Get your things, sweetheart, and hop in. I’m going to make a quick call, and I’ll be back.
“Okay.” She stripped, tied her hair up, and stood under the hot water. She moaned as it took the tension she had in her shoulders and washed away the grimy feeling she got from the car ride. She dried off and wrapped a towel around herself before slathering on lotion and brushing her teeth.
She was pulling her nightgown out of her bag when he came back.
“You might as well put that away. I don’t want anything between us when we’re sleeping.”
“Oh, like when we were at the hotels?”
“Yes. Is that okay?”
She felt herself blush and then nodded. She liked feeling his skin next to hers at night.
“I won’t be a minute, so hop into bed, and I’ll be right back.”
She threw the towel over one of the chairs and slid into bed. She hummed at the feeling of lying on clouds. It was the softest bed she’d ever slept in, and the sheets felt silky against her skin.
The thought of all the women he’d probably had in that bed made her stomach tighten. She wasn’t ignorant enough to believe he hadn’t had women. Probably a lot of women, but the thought of lying in the same bed that he’d had sex with them in was making her slightly nauseated.
“What’s wrong?”
She turned to him. “Nothing.”
He turned off the lights, got into the bed, and wrapped his arms around her.
“Tell me.”
“I know it’s silly, but I started thinking about all the women you’ve had here, and I…”
“Whoa, stop. I’ve never had a woman in this place. I’ve never liked bringing women into my personal space.”
“But … I’m here.”
He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Because you belong here. This is our personal space.”
She sighed and cuddled against him.
“Hey, baby. I talked to Kaleb and told him we were wiped out, and we’d see them tomorrow. Get some sleep.”
“Mmmm, okay.” Her eyes closed, and she was out. Sleep was coming much easier to her these days. That was her last thought.
Chapter Eleven
Nia looked out the window of the car service Travis made her use if she went anywhere. He wanted her as secure as possible, and she was fine with that.
She was on the way back to Travis after spending the morning with her friend. She couldn’t help but smile as she thought about the night before when she and Travis went to Aleena’s for dinner. She’d met Larkin, a woman Aleena had talked about often.
Now she knew why her friend liked her so much. She made her laugh so hard as they played in Aleena’s playroom, she just about peed her pants.
During the dinner, Travis had to pound on her back when she choked because of something Larkin said. It got even funnier when Larkin’s daddy tried to make the woman sit still and eat.
There were other littles that Aleena wanted her to meet, but there hadn’t been time yet. Travis promised they’d get together soon.
She stood outside of Travis’s building on the business side and looked up and then up some more, fingering the heart necklace he’d given her a few days before. He made her promise she would never take it off. That she was carrying his heart with her everywhere she went.
Sometimes it shocked her to hear the sweet things that came from him. She didn’t expect it with such a manly guy. She’d only been in the city for a few days, but she still couldn’t seem to fathom that Travis and his partners owned the whole thing. It had to be twenty stories high.
nbsp; The place was humongous. It was the first time she ever visited him on this side before. When he’d asked her that morning if she could come for lunch, she’d been thrilled.
“Miss, Mr. Forrester asked that I make sure you’re in the building before I drive off.”
“I’m sorry, Stan. I’ll go right in.”
“Have a good day.”
Nia walked up to a tall counter in the lobby. It was a beautiful area, a more contemporary style than the apartment. It had beautiful artwork and huge plants and benches placed around.
“Hello. My name is Nia Langley, and I’m here to see Mr. Forrester.”
“I see. Do you have an appointment?”
“Oh, I assume I do. He knows I was coming today.”
The receptionist looked down at her laptop. “I don’t have anything here. I’m sorry, you’re going to have to get an appointment and come back.”
Nia started to get anxious. “Call up to him. He’ll tell you.”
“I’m sorry I can’t do that. If I called up every time a woman came in to meet Mr. Forrester, I’d be calling a few times a day.”
Her heart sank. “Really?”
“Yeah. You’re not the first one and certainly won’t be the last to try to get to him. Heck, his own secretary is completely in love with him and warns every woman away if she gets too close.”
“All right. Thank you.”
Nia’s heart sank as she turned, walked to the large windows in front, and pulled out her phone. She texted Travis and waited for ten minutes. She tried calling him, but it went to voicemail. She decided he must have changed his mind and couldn’t get ahold of her.
She was hurting so much she was trying to console herself with any excuse at that point.
Nia looked outside and decided just to go back to the apartment. She had nowhere else to go besides Aleena’s, and she had just come from there.
God, she was pathetic. Instead of keeping some control over her life, she’d handed it all over to Travis, and she was starting to regret it.
She walked out onto the sidewalk when her phone dinged.
Where are you? she read and relaxed a bit.
I’m just outside your building. They wouldn’t let me in, she typed into the phone.
Get back in the lobby. I’m coming down.
Okay, she typed and waited.
Within two minutes, Travis rushed out of the elevator and then gripped her shoulders before pulling her into his arms.
“I’m so sorry. My secretary was supposed to call it down but must have got busy.”
“It’s all right.”
“No, it isn’t.” He reached for her hand and started to lead her up to the receptionist. “I don’t like you out in the open like this. We still don’t know where your brother is, baby. You have to be careful.”
“I’ll try.”
He bent and pressed a hard kiss to her lips. “You’ll do more than try.”
“Terri, this is Nia, and she’s mine. Anytime she comes, you let her up immediately.”
“Yes, sir.”
Nia’s face burned with embarrassment, and she tried to pull away from him, but he just tightened his grip.
He only grinned. “Come on.”
They walked to the elevator. He wrapped an arm around her waist and bent to kiss her forehead.
“I really am sorry.”
She looked up at him and tried to smile. “It’s okay now.”
He kept his arm around her waist as he led her out of the elevator and down a long hallway. They stopped in front of one of the most beautiful women she’d ever seen sitting behind a massive desk.
“Madelyn, this is Nia, and she has full access to get to me at all times. I don’t care if I’m in a meeting. Let me know she’s here.”
He looked down at Nia and smiled. “Baby, this is Madelyn. She’s my assistant and been with me for close to a year.”
Someone caught his attention. He bent and kissed her head. “Stay here.” She watched him turn, walk a few steps away, and talk to another man before she turned back to the secretary.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Nia said and watched the different emotions race across the woman’s face. Disbelief, confusion, disgust, and lastly, the look of pure hatred darkened the woman’s beautiful face, and it made Nia’s stomach twist. She didn’t know what to do and was relieved when Travis returned and wrapped an arm around her waist again.
“Let’s go. I had Madelyn get us a few sandwiches.”
Nia caught the shocked look on her face.
“I thought that was for us,” she said.
Travis scowled down at her in confusion. “No. Why would you think that? We’ve never had lunch together. Why don’t you turn the answering machines on and go to lunch? A long one. I don’t want to be interrupted when Nia’s here.”
Travis walked them toward a large wooden door. Nia didn’t have to look back to see the expression on the woman’s face. She could feel the heat of her fury pummel against her back.
She exhaled when the door shut behind them, and he turned the lock.
“Come over to the sofa.”
She sat and placed her purse on the table next to the sandwiches and bottled water.
A gasp sprang from her mouth when he pulled her into his arms and twisted until she lay down on her back on the sofa cushions with him over her. It startled her because he did it so quickly and with minimal effort on his part.
“Now I’ve got you.”
Her giggle was interrupted when his mouth descended and took her lips. All thoughts of the misunderstanding and his secretary flew out of her mind. The only thing she could concentrate on was the way he made her feel.
He couldn’t take his eyes off her. He’d met plenty of gorgeous women before in his life. He had even dated some, but something about this little slip of a woman he was currently seducing was no match for any other woman. He didn’t know what it was about her, and he didn’t care. She was his, and she was staying that way.
The flush of passion that covered her face intoxicated him. The sounds she made drove him wild. Her long silver-blonde hair made him hot, and her tiny body made him harder than he’d ever been before.
There was no denying she was his. She had become his obsession. One, he freely admitted to himself. When she was near, he had to have his hands on her, and if she was too far away, but in the room, his eyes very rarely left her.
Leaving her to come to the office was getting harder every day.
He impatiently started to unbutton her blouse. He’d never been a breast man until he got a look at hers. Creamy white with light-pink nipples that were so extremely sensitive, all he had to do was blow air on them, and it would drive her wild.
He had her naked within a minute and then started pulling off his own clothes before he made a spot for himself between her legs. He placed a kiss on her lips before moving down. First, he concentrated on her breasts for a few minutes and then started kissing and licking her tummy, dipping his tongue into her belly button, making her shriek.
She started to pull at his shoulders when he moved farther down until his face was by her pussy. “No. Relax. I need a taste of my baby’s pussy.”
“Daddy,” she cried out at the first swipe of his tongue.
She’d only called him that a few times, but every time, it made him feel ten feet tall.
His tongue swept from her ass hole to her clit. It circled it a few times before starting again. He did this until she writhed on the sofa, and one cry after another spilled from her.
“Please,” she begged.
He knew he didn’t have a lot of time before he exploded. Moving up, he lined his cock up to her cunt and rammed it into her. He pressed his mouth to hers to mute the scream that tore from her.
He hissed at the pleasure-pain when her nails bit into his shoulders as he pounded into her. “That’s it, sweetheart. Feel how hard daddy is for you?”
“Yes, daddy. Please…”
sp; “All right. Come for me,” he demanded and covered her mouth with his again as her orgasm tore through her, knowing she wouldn’t be able to be quiet. He groaned and thrust into her several times, going as deep as he could before he took his own pleasure.
Travis braced himself above her.
“Jesus, woman. I think it can’t get better, and then we make love again, and it surpasses the time before.”
She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck.
He kissed her leisurely for a moment before lifting himself off of her. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”
He was back with a wet cloth. He caught the blush that shaded her face as he cleaned her. “How can you be embarrassed by this?”
“I don’t know,” she whined.
He snorted and finished wiping her.
“Let’s get you dressed, and then we’ll eat lunch. How does that sound?”
Chapter Twelve
After they ate, he pulled her up with him and smoothed out her blouse and skirt before cupping her face and pressing a soft kiss to her lips.
She slowly opened her eyes when he raised his head.
“I’m so glad you came to the office. We need to make a regular date. Something I can look forward to.”
“I’d like that.”
“Good. Let’s go.”
Nia bent down and reached for their wrappers. “Wait, I need to pick up our mess.”
“No, Madelyn can take care of it.”
She realized that he had no idea how his secretary felt about him, or he really didn’t care. She decided to bring it up to him at home.
They both stopped short when they saw his secretary at her desk, acting like she was busy. Nia could tell it was fake and wondered if Travis noticed. She was troubled by the thought of the woman listening at the door.
“I thought I told you to take a long lunch?”
She looked at him. “I did, but I also have a lot to do here.”
Nia felt how tense Travis got and pulled on his arm. “Let’s go,” she whispered against his chest.
“There’s my favorite perp.”
Nia looked around and saw the cop, David, who helped her in Colorado. She shrieked and ran to him and was swept up into his arms.